Hey everyone, Let me know what you think about the new MMS Art Page!
Author: Mrs. Hussey
My name is Lucille Cusson Hussey I am primarily a portrait artist. . I recently retired from teaching Art at RSU #57. I taught 17 years at the elementary schools (Waterboro, Alfred, Lyman) and the past 18 years at Massabesic Middle School and my last year of teaching I taught pottery at Massabesic High School. A total of 35 years. I recently started to paint gain I have three childen who all attended Massabesic schools: Michael, Suzanne, and Patrick. View all posts by Mrs. Hussey
wow i am so happy the year is almost over!! are you??
You have done a wonderful job with this web site. I can see that you have spent many hours in providing the community with all this information. Keep up the great work.
I love the field hockey pictures they look awsome!!!!!!!!
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay i cant wait for high school
i love it, it goes with the the art theme and massabesic them also