The 8th grade students celebrated their Promotion to the High School with an evening dance on June 19, 2009
Click Here to see the Remember Massabesic Middle School Slide Show presented during the Talent Show
The Massabesic Middle School wrapped up the year on June 22 with it’s always anticipated “Talent Show’
Author: Mrs. Hussey
My name is Lucille Cusson Hussey
I am primarily a portrait artist. .
I recently retired from teaching Art at RSU #57.
I taught 17 years at the elementary schools (Waterboro, Alfred, Lyman) and the past 18 years at Massabesic Middle School and my last year of teaching I taught pottery at Massabesic High School. A total of 35 years.
I recently started to paint gain
I have three childen who all attended Massabesic schools: Michael, Suzanne, and Patrick.
View all posts by Mrs. Hussey
hey mrs hussey great site and thanks for not putting any bad pictures of me on there :] :]
where are the dance photos?
Thanks Mrs Hussey
thanx i miss being back in the middle school 🙁