Remember MMS School Year 2004-06

If you attended the Middle School in 2004-06  (class of 2010)   You can view all the webpages I made for the school .The art webpage is specific for the class of 2010, all other activities include all who attended during this time spand.  You can see all of the Art pages, dances, talent show, sports, music concerts, recognition etc. I will upload more years in the near future. Click HERE to see see the menu for 2004-06

School Year 2005-07

If you attended the Middle School in 2005-07  (class of 2011) You can view all the webpages I made for the school . You can see all of the Art pages, dances, talent show, sports, music concerts, recognition etc. I will upload more years in the near future. Click HERE to see see the menue for 2005-07.

I am in the process of transferring my Art Web Site

New Link to the 2010-11 School Year Art Web Pages!!!

Hello everyone, I am in the process of transferring my Art Web Site to a different server. R.S.U. #57 will not be hosting the site anymore. The will shut it down on August 15, 2011. Please access my site through my blog .

I just retired after 35 years of teaching Art and I still want my former students and anyone else the opportunity to look at the site.

I plan to archive  all  my pages from the year 2000. They range from SPORTS,  MUSIC , DRAMA  SCHOOL LIFE and of course ART.

I’ll keep you posted as I upload them to my new host.

End of Year activities at Massabesic Middle School

The 8th grade students celebrated their Promotion to the High School with an evening dance on June 19, 2009
Click Here to see the Remember Massabesic Middle School Slide Show presented during the Talent Show
The Massabesic Middle School wrapped up the year on June 22 with it’s always anticipated “Talent Show’

7th and 8th grade students! Be sure to order your “Remember MMS” Picture CD

8th Grade  Students: Click on the link to see the content

I am compiling a CD filled with all the WebPages and pictures from your 7th and 8th grade. Everything I ever put on the web will be on this CD for you to enjoy. The BIGGEST YEAR BOOK on a CD! Look on the back of this page to see what is on the CD. The CD will work with Apple computers and Windows 98, Me, XP or Vista.

           The cost of the CD is $15.00. You will need to place your order to Mrs. Hussey with your payment. The CD will be mailed to you 2 weeks or so after school gets out.

   I would like to thank you for purchasing this CD. Not only will you have a great CD with thousands of pictures and short movies, you are also helping me and my future students in improving technology in my classroom. I also consider your purchase as a thank you for the countless hours I spent working on the web pages for your enjoyment.

7th Grade Students

I am compiling a CD filled with all the WebPages and pictures from your 7th grade. Everything I ever put on the web will be on this CD for you to enjoy. The BIGGEST YEAR BOOK on a CD! Look on the back of this page to see what is on the CD. The CD will work with Apple computers and Windows 98, Me, XP or Vista.

           The cost of the CD is $10.00. You will need to place your order to Mrs. Hussey with your payment. You will get your CD on the last day of school. 












I am compiling a CD filled with all the WebPages and pictures from your 7th grade. Everything I ever put on the web will be on this CD for you to enjoy. The BIGGEST YEAR BOOK on a CD! Look on the back of this page to see what is on the CD. The CD will work with Apple computers and Windows 98, Me, XP or Vista.

           The cost of the CD is $10.00. You will need to place your order to Mrs. Hussey with your payment. You will get your CD on the last day of school. 














I am compiling a CD filled with all the WebPages and pictures from your 7th and 8th grade. Everything I ever put on the web will be on this CD for you to enjoy. The BIGGEST YEAR BOOK on a CD! Look on the back of this page to see what is on the CD. The CD will work with Apple computers and Windows 98, Me, XP or Vista.

           The cost of the CD is $15.00. You will need to place your order to Mrs. Hussey with your payment. The CD will be mailed to you 2 weeks or so after school gets out.

   I would like to thank you for purchasing this CD. Not only will you have a great CD with thousands of pictures and short movies, you are also helping me and my future students in improving technology in my classroom. I also consider your purchase as a thank you for the countless hours I spent working on the web pages for your enjoyment.

7th Grade Students

I am compiling a CD filled with all the WebPages and pictures from your 7th grade. Everything I ever put on the web will be on this CD for you to enjoy. The BIGGEST YEAR BOOK on a CD! Look on the back of this page to see what is on the CD. The CD will work with Apple computers and Windows 98, Me, XP or Vista.

           The cost of the CD is $10.00. You will need to place your order to Mrs. Hussey with your payment. You will get your CD on the last day of school. 












I am compiling a CD filled with all the WebPages and pictures from your 7th grade. Everything I ever put on the web will be on this CD for you to enjoy. The BIGGEST YEAR BOOK on a CD! Look on the back of this page to see what is on the CD. The CD will work with Apple computers and Windows 98, Me, XP or Vista.

           The cost of the CD is $10.00. You will need to place your order to Mrs. Hussey with your payment. You will get your CD on the last day of school. 





















3rd Quarter Award Assembly and Good Behavior Blast a SUCCESS!

Massabesic Middle School was a busy place on April 16, 2009. During the Award Assembly held in the morning, Students were recognized for :

*Recognition committee awards: certificates for high honors/honor roll
*Recognition of sports/activities groups
*Individual awards “Ready Respectful Responsible”
Specialists- one student per class
 Teams- 3 students per team
“The Big 1’s”well-rounded citizenship award for one student per team
*Student Recognition- Mustang passes 

In the afternoon Students who were detention and I.S.S. free for the quarter attended the “Good Behavior Blast” Some of the activities offered were Kite flying, kic ball, ultimita frisbee, Open Mic, Dance, face Painting, Quiet Room, Chess, Bingo, Popcorn and Snacs, Computer Lab and Movie Room.

Clic here to see the Blast pictures

2008 President’s Education Award Program Recipients

At the end of 8th grade, the Recognition Committee presents  the Presidential Award to the students who maintain an average  of 90 or better in all subject areas for their 2 years at the Middle School. This is a very special award, one to be very proud of!

Click here to see the 2008 President’s Education Award Program Recipients


Savanna Arral

Ryan Audy

Alexandria Braley

Matthew Bullard

Alyssa Davis

Ryan Dodge

Nathan Elmore

Michelle Giordano

Cassandra Hamann

Casey Irish

Libby Langlois

Samuel Lariviere

Holly Ledoux

Marjorie Lee

Travis Mansfield

Susannah Moore

Emily Schatz

Melissa Vigue