The 8th grade students celebrated their Promotion to the High School with an evening dance on June 19, 2009
Click Here to see the Remember Massabesic Middle School Slide Show presented during the Talent Show
The Massabesic Middle School wrapped up the year on June 22 with it’s always anticipated “Talent Show’
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3rd Quarter Award Assembly and Good Behavior Blast a SUCCESS!
Massabesic Middle School was a busy place on April 16, 2009. During the Award Assembly held in the morning, Students were recognized for :
*Recognition committee awards: certificates for high honors/honor roll
*Recognition of sports/activities groups
*Individual awards “Ready Respectful Responsible”
Specialists- one student per class
Teams- 3 students per team
“The Big 1’s”well-rounded citizenship award for one student per team
*Student Recognition- Mustang passes
In the afternoon Students who were detention and I.S.S. free for the quarter attended the “Good Behavior Blast” Some of the activities offered were Kite flying, kic ball, ultimita frisbee, Open Mic, Dance, face Painting, Quiet Room, Chess, Bingo, Popcorn and Snacs, Computer Lab and Movie Room.
7th Grade Animation Project
Our 1st quarter students just finished creating their own computer generated animations. The MLTI program, unique to the the State of Maine, helps to make this project a reality. Every student is issued the use of a laptop for their two years at the Middle School. This project helps students to explore additional uses of their computer beyond word processing and web surfing. This was a very exciting project, the results of which you can see by checking out the MMS animation page.
We started this project with a lesson on cartooning. Afterwards, each student brainstormed ideas for their own animation. Students then drew, painted, outlined and cut their cartoon characters and backgrounds out of paper. Utilizing a digital camera and the Apple iMovie software, students began constructing their animations, frame-by-frame. After the animation was complete, students added a soundtrack (often mixing voice and music). Once the animation was finished, it was rendered as a QuickTime movie. Each movie has been uploaded to the school server and is available for viewing here.
If you have any questions on how this was done, feel free to email me at
New Look for the Massabesic Middle School Sports Page
The Massabesic Middle School Sports page is “Sporting” a new look! It is easier to navigate. Let me know what you think!
“Remember MMS 2006-2008” CDs
The “Remember MMS 2006-2008” CDs were mailed Friday June 27, 2008. If you ordered one you should get it tomorrow or Monday. Thanks to the 37 students who ordered it. There was so much material that I had to use 2 CDs to fit it all in! As a bonus, I added the slideshow that was presented at the Talent Show in one of the CD. Enjoy. 8th graders that did not order one , it’s not too late! Just e-mail me at
Our Town
Massabesic Middle School Drama presents: Our Town
Congratulation to the Cast. The Play was awesome!